1) humid + ity a) the state or degree of being b) full of c) without 2) refund + able a) full of b) able to c) behave like 3) tax + able a) process of b) more than 1 c) able to 4) ship + ment a) able to b) in the past c) in the process of 5) snow + ing a) happening right now b) in the past c) to make 6) damp + en a) full of b) to make c) a person who 7) grump + y a) what kind b) behave like c) more than 1 8) camp + er a) a person who or thing that b) the most c) in the past 9) crispest a) without b) full of c) the most 10) equal + ity a) happening right now b) the state or degree of being c) person 11) art + ist a) person b) comparing 2 c) able to 12) green + ish a) the most b) behaving like, acting like c) process of 13) squish + y a) full of b) what kind c) to make 14) glad + ly a) how b) happening right now c) what kind 15) aim + less a) to make b) without c) able to

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