Happy Shoppers at Cardiff Coal Exchange Happy Shoppers are four guys from Bristol. They became quite famous last year when one of their songs was played on a popular TV show. Yesterday, I saw them play live to a big ____ at the Coal Exchange in Cardiff. On the ____ ____, the music was great. Happy Shoppers gave an original sound, with elements of hip-hop and rock. Their music is very catchy, and people really enjoyed dancing to it. On the ____ ____, the band didn't really entertain the audience as ____ as they could have. The singer never spoke between songs and didn't encourage the audience to sing along, which was a pity. ____, his voice was poor. ____ he did apologize, saying he had a cold. ____, I'd ____ going to see Happy Shoppers, ____ if you like dancing. I'm sure they will learn how to entertain the audience more as they get more experience.

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