1) This person was known for uniting all of Greece, defeating The Persian, and expanding Greek culture to the world a) King Leonitas of the Spartans b) Alexander the Great c) Julius Caesar d) Emperor Augustus e) Jesus Christ 2) The idea that people should use critical thought, reasoning, and evidence to explain natural phenomenon a) Mythos b) Christianity c) Rationalism d) Pathos e) Ethos f) Confucianism 3) This group of Greeks were known for their military culture a) Spartans b) Athenians c) Persians d) Romans e) Macedonians 4) This person changed the Roman government from a representative democracy to a monarchy a) King Leonitas of the Spartans b) Alexander the Great c) Julius Caesar d) Emperor Augustus e) Jesus Christ 5) What best describes the Athenian form of government? a) Athenians voted for representatives b) Participants were randomly selected c) The monarch had absolute power d) the monarchy shared power e) A system of checks and balances 6) The military formation Greeks used... a) The Phalanx b) Hit and run c) guerilla warfare d) Surprise attacks 7) What is Pax Romana? a) An era of Roman Peace and Prosperity b) the age of Roman expansion c) the bloodiest era of Roman history d) Gladiators fighting to the death 8) What allowed Christianity to spread? a) Christianity conquered many areas b) The Roman elite c) the trade routes and roads d) IDK... Jesus? 9) Rome conquered all these areas except... a) Spain b) Franch c) Italy d) North Africa e) Israel f) Germany 10) The commoners of Roman society are known as... a) Plebians b) Patricians c) Proletarit d) Bourgeoisies

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