1) What country is ______________________ (good) to live in? Why? 2) What is ______________________ (scary) movie you have seen? 3) Is it ______________________ (good) to be smart and ugly or unintelligent and good-looking? 4) What is ______________________ (hot) place you have ever been to? 5) What is ______________________ (bad) present you have ever gotten? 6) What is ______________________ (dangerous) job? 7) Which is ______________________ (bad): falling in love with someone and then having your heart broken, or never having met that person? 8) Who is ______________________ (interesting) person you know? 9) Which is ______________________ (bad) for your health: alcohol or marijuana? 10) What is ______________________ (embarrassing) thing you have done recently? 11) Is it better to date someone who is _________________ (old) or __________________ (young) you? 12) What was ______________________ (important) invention in history? 13) What is ______________________ (disgusting) dish you have ever eaten? 14) Which is ______________________ (bad): having your tongue cut off, or having a leg cut off? 15) What part of learning English is the ______________________ (difficult) for you?

EC I1 M1 3A Comparative/superlative Questions


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