light - All opaque objects reflect, reflection - When you see the image of an object in another object, it's called a, angles - When rays of light hit most opaque surfaces, the rays are reflected at lots of different , diffuse - Rough surfaces do not make clear images, this is called ------- reflection , specular - When rays of lights hit a very smooth opaque surface, it's called ------- reflection, mirror image - The reflection of an object is its , periscope - A ------- lets you see places you might not otherwise be able to see, tube - A simple periscope is a long ------- with a flat mirror at each end, mirrors - The------- are at an angle of exactly 45 degrees, boundary - The speed of the light ray changes at the , refraction - The change in speed and direction, bioluminescence - The ability of animals to create it's own , sonoluminescence - Under the right conditions, bubbles can give off light,


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