four - The Earth is made up of ------- different layers , crust - The Earth's ------- is made from much cooler rocks than the mantle, mantle - The ------ is very hot and thick, magma - made of molten rock, lava - When molten rock escapes to the Earth's surface surface, it's called , models - ------ help us to understand and describe scientific phenomena and ideas, Mount Etna - A volcano that still erupts , igneous - ----- rocks form when magma from a volcano cools and turns into a solid, solidification - The process when a rock is formed , extrusive - igneous rock forms outside the Earth's crust, intrusive - igneous rock forms inside the Earth's crust, basalt - Example of extrusive igneous rock, granite - Example of intrusive igneous rock, erosion - The movement of broken down rock from one place to another , sedimentation - Sediment settling at the bottom of the water, burial - ------ of the sediment happens as the thickness of layers increases over time , metamorphic - ------- are formed from igneous and sedimentary rocks that have been heated or squashed in the Earth's crust, metamorphism - Process of change in temperature and pressure causing rocks to change, marble - When limestone is heated and squashed it changes to,

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