rigid, flexible, easily molded, durable, electrical insulators, thermal insulators, water resistant and have a high tensile strength. - Plastic, rigid, durable, an electrical insulator and a thermal insulator - Wood, durable, easily molded, an electrical conductor, a thermal conductor, has a high tensile strength and is dense - Steel, durable, and has high tensile strength. Some may be water resistant. - Cloth, rigid, thermal insulators, electrical insulators, durable, can be easily molded until 'fired' - Ceramic, durable, easily molded, an electrical conductor, a thermal conductor, sonorous, has high tensile strength - Copper, durable, easily molded, water resistant, high tensile strength, - Kevlar, elastic, easily molded, durable - Rubber, rigid, thermal insulator, can be molded - Glass,

Materials and their properties

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