If she goes to the library, she’ll study more, If I wanted a new car, I would buy one, If we had tidied our flat, we wouldn’t have lost our keys, They would have been late if they hadn't taken a taxi, We would have seen John if we had arrived earlier, If they don’t arrive soon, we’ll be late, He wouldn't have gone travelling if he had taken the job, She wouldn’t have met him if she hadn't come to London, If we weren’t so tired, we would go out, He would have been happier if he had stayed at home, Will you help me if I ask you?, I would have learnt to speak a different language if I had been born in a different country, He would have been on time if he had left earlier, I would have called you if I hadn't forgotten my phone, Will you call me if you are free?, If I get there, I will call you, she would have gone to Germany if Julie hadn’t gone to Sweden, Would you buy this car if you had a million dollars ?, If they don't invite me, I will not go, Will you help me if I ask you?,



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