Ben: So what does the next ____ mean? Lucy: Well, the ____ in this village. But where? Ben: Let's look for it tomorrow morning. It's ____ past nine and I'm tired. Horax: It's here. The next letter is in this village. Zelda: Let's wait for ____. Horax: Good idea. We can look for it after dark. Horax: It isn't here. Zelda: I'm tired and I don't like this village. It's half past ten. Let's go soon. Ben: Oh no! ____ a mess! Lucy: 'Helping hands', remember the clue. Ben: Yes, maybe this is what we have to do before we find the next letter. Ben: This table is ____! There's no letter here. Lucy: Why do I always get the ____ jobs? Where is that letter? We have to ____ it soon! Lucy: What's that? Yes! Ben, come here! Ben: What is it? Lucy: I've got something to show you. Ben: Wow! It's the next ____. Lucy: The letter F. Now we've got our second Letter!

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