Rhaid i Sioned ddarllen y llyfr yfory. - Sioned must read the book tomorrow., Rhaid i Hywel goginio swper heno. - Hywel must cook supper tonight., Rhaid iddo fo olchi'r llestri. - He must wash the dishes., Rhaid iddo fo dorri'r glaswellt. - He must cut the grass., Rhaid iddi hi siopa yn yr archfarchnad. - She must shop in the supermarket., Rhaid iddi hi fynd i nofio dydd Iau. - She must go swimming on Thursday., Rhaid i'r plant wneud eu gwaith cartref. - The children must do their homework., Rhaid i'r rhieni gael cyfarfod nos Lun. - The parents must have a meeting on Monday night., Rhaid iddyn nhw wisgo côt law. - They must wear a rain coat., Rhaid iddyn nhw olchi eu dwylo cyn bwyta. - They must wash their hands before eating.,

Mynediad Uned 23 'Rhaid' (cyfieithu brawddegau)


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