Gender - How you feel inside. A feeling or sense of being male, female, both or neither. Sometimes matches the gender they were assigned at birth and sometimes it doesn't. , Gender expression - how we choose to show the world where on the gender spectrum we identify. We may use make- up and jewellery to do this. , Transgender or trans - A person who was assigned male or female when they were bor, but who feel hey are different inside. They may want to live their lives as a different gender, Cisgender - A person who identifies with the gender they were assigned when born, Non-binary - A person who feels that they are not simply male or female, Transition - The process of trans people changing so that they can live as their preferred gender , Names and pronouns - Trans females usually prefer to be called she eg Trans men prefer to be called 'he'. Non binary people prefer to be called 'they',


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