Collective - Type of a Noun, Responsible - ible is the last syllables, Sensitive - sit is the center syllables, Discussion - ion is the last syllables, Identify - D is the second letter, Communication - it has Cat in the word, Network - W is the 4th letter, Hatching - H is the 5th letter, Artistic - Art is the first syllables, Balance - E is the last letter, Artwork - R is the 6th letter, Symbolize - Sym is the first syllables, Traditional - T is the 1st and 6th letters, Symmetric - M is the 3rd and 4th letters, Revelation - V is the 3rd letter, Salvation - VAT is included letters, Wisdom - M is the last letter, Talent - L is the 3rd letter, Scripture - Ture is the last syllables, Campaign - Camp is the first syllables,


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