1) Which element has atomic number 6 a) Carbon b) Chlorine c) Calcium d) Copper 2) How many protons does Potassium Have? a) 19 b) 18 c) 21 d) 11 3) What is the atomic number of Neon? a) 11 b) 9 c) 10 d) 12 4) Which element has atomic number 3? a) Li b) N c) O d) Na 5) Which element has 47 protons? a) Silver b) Gold c) Arsenic d) Iodine 6) Name the element with 9 protons a) Calcium b) Chlorine c) Fluorine d) Bromine e) Iron 7) How many protons does Magnesium have? a) 1 b) 11 c) 7 d) 12 e) 20 8) Atomic number is equal to the number of... a) neutrons b) mass number c) protons d) electrons 9) What is the atomic number of a Sodium atom? a) 10 b) 15 c) 2 d) 13 e) 11 10) Which element has atomic number 16 a) Argon b) Chlorine c) Sulfur d) Nitrogen e) Aluminum 11) What determines the identity of an element? a) protons b) nucleus c) neutrons d) electrons e) mass of the atom f) atomic number 12) True or False: The number of protons can change and the element remain the same. a) True b) False


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