1) What Colour is Santa's Clothes? a) White b) Blue c) Red and White 2) Someone with number two will ask a question......who is it? a) b) c) 3) What do we hang above the fireplace? a) toys b) chocolate c) Christmas stockings 4) Someone with number four will ask a question......who is it? a) b) c) 5) Where do Santa and the Elves make toys and get the presents ready? a) In the garage? b) In the workshop? c) In the garden? 6) What do we put inside the stockings? a) blocks b) numbers c) presents 7) Are Santa's reindeer boys or girls? a) girls b) boys c) boys and girls 8) What kind of animal is this? What is his name? How do you know this? a) Prancer b) Rudolf c) Dancer 9) Someone with number nine will ask a question......who is it? a) b) c) 10) How does Santa get into a house? a) He climbs down the chimney. b) He knocks on the door untill you open. c) He doesn't go in the houses. He sends the elves. 11) You can kick, throw and catch this toy. What is it? a) A doll. b) A toy animal. c) A ball. 12) Someone with number twelve will ask a question......who is it? a) b) c) 13) What does Santa put under the Christmas tree? What do you want for Christmas? a) milk and cookies b) Christmas decorations c) presents 14) What do we leave for Santa to eat? a) We leave fruit and vegetables. b) We leave milk and cookies. c) We leave candies. 15) Someone with number fifteen will ask a question......who is it? a) b) c) 16) Where should you put your toys when you clean up your room? a) In a toy Box. b) I leave them on the floor. c) I throw them in the cupboard. 17) What are these? How do you make them move? a) We use our toes. b) We kick it. c) We use our hands and fingers 18) You can go to a lot of different places with this toy.. Example: go from your house to the park and back. a) I can use a bicycle. b) I need my shoes. c) We can walk. 19) This is a toy that can fly. What is it? a) It's a train. b) It's a boat. c) It's a rocket. 20) This toy has wheels that help it to move. a) It's a robot b) It's a skateboard c) It's a yoyo.

Christmas Quiz (Multiple Choice)


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