foetus  - stage of a bay after 8weeks of development , embryo - stage of development up to about 8 weeks leads to the formation of the foetus , amniocentesis - prenatal test to assess health of foetus using cells from amniotic fluid , antenatal screening  - use of test to identify risk of a disorder before birth , prenatal diagnosis  - identification of the risk of disorders in unborn babies , ultrasound screening  - diagnostic procedure used for various prenatal checks, such as establishing the stage of pregnancy and due date , chorionic villus sampling  - prenatal test to assess health of foetus using cells from the placenta , dating scan  - antenatal ultrasound scan that determines stage of pregnancy and due date – done between 8-14 weeks , anomaly scan  - antenatal ultrasound scan that checks for physical abnormalities – done between 18-20 weeks , karyotype  - display of a person chromosomes in homologous pairs; produced for medical purposes , postnatal screening  - diagnostic test of new born babies , PKU  - metabolic disorder that is tested for by postnatal screening , autosomal recessive   - allele on chromosomes 1-22; expressed in the phenotype if the genotype is homozygous for the recessive allele , pedigree charts  - diagram showing the occurrence of phenotypes of a particular gene in a family tree , autosomal dominant  - allele on chromosomes 1-22; always expressed in the phenotype , incomplete dominance  - when an allele is not completely masked by a dominant allele, thus affecting an individual’s phenotype , sex linked recessive   - recessive allele carried on the part of the X chromosome where there is no corresponding Y chromosome , allele  - form of a gene coding for a version of a characteristic , homozygous  - having two identical alleles for the same gene , heterozygous - having two different alleles for the same gene,

HHB 2.4 Terms and definitions


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