1) The bible says that... a) Three wise men came to see the baby Jesus b) Wise men came to see the baby Jesus c) Wise men from the West came to see the baby Jesus d) Four wise men came to see the baby Jesus 2) The name of the king that tried to kill the baby Jesus was... a) David b) Nebuchadnezzar c) Solomon d) Herod 3) When the angel came Shepherds were watching over their .... a) cows b) pigs c) sheep d) donkeys 4) Jesus was born in a stable in.. a) Nazareth b) Bethlehem c) Capernaum d) Jericho 5) Jesus was born in ... a) Bethlehem of Caldea b) Bethlehem of Judaea c) Bethlehem of Caesarea d) Bethlehem of Syria 6) The gifts the wise men brought to Jesus was.. a) Gold silver and myrhh b) Gold frankincense and silver c) Gold frankincense myrhh d) Frankincense gold and bronze 7) Which land did Joseph and Mary escape to to prevent the baby Jesus being killed by king Herod? a) Babylon b) Egypt c) Persia d) Rome 8) While in the East what did the wise men see which led them to where Jesus was born? a) A comet b) An asteroid c) A planet d) A star 9) When king Herod realised he was tricked by the wise men he killed all the children in Bethlehem who were.. a) 2 years old and over b) Exactly 2 years old c) 2 years old and under d) Approximately 2 years old 10) The name of Mary's cousin, mother of John the Baptist was.. a) Elisabeth b) Hannah c) Esther d) Martha 11) At the birth of Jesus John the Baptist was approximately.. a) 6 months younger than Jesus b) 12 months older than Jesus c) 6 months older than Jesus d) 12 months younger than Jesus 12) At the announcement of the birth of Jesus who said 'My soul doth magnify the Lord' a) Elisabeth b) Zacharias c) Joseph d) Mary 13) At the time of Jesu's birth who sent out a decree saying that all the world should be taxed a) Herod b) Pontius Pilate c) Caesar Augustus d) Caesar Quinquinnius 14) According to the gospel of Luke what was the name of the man who would not see death before seeing the baby Jesus? a) Simon b) Simonez c) Solomon d) Simeon 15) The name of the old prophetess who rejoiced at the birth of Jesus was.. a) Aser b) Anna c) Hannah d) Phanuel 16) The sacrifice brought by Mary and Joseph according to the law was.. a) Two turtles b) Two canaries c) Two turtledoves d) Two sparrows 17) About how old was Anna the prophetess when she saw the baby Jesus? a) 84 years old b) 80 years old c) 82 years old d) 83 years old 18) What was the name of the angel who told Mary she was going to have a baby? a) Manoah b) Gabriel c) Joshua d) Lucifer

Christmas bible multiple choice quiz

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