simulate - Using a computer model to see a situation happen without testing it in real life., test - To check if a computer program is working properly., computer model - A digital approximation created on a computer to help scientists understand how a system works and to predict its performance in the real world., communicable disease - An infectious disease that can be spread from one living organism to another. The spread can occur by direct or indirect contact with an affected individual., infected - A person who has, or is infected with, a communicable disease., simulation - Running tests on a model of a system, allowing scientists to test a system multiple times with different parameters to get information about how the system behaves in different circumstances without actually testing it in real life., parameter - Value that helps define how a computer model works., variable - Something that changes or can be changed., organism - A living thing that has an organized structure and can move (respond to stimuli), breathe, reproduce, grow, excrete, and consume., infectious disease - An illness caused by germs that harms an organism’s health., germ - A microorganism that can make a person sick.,

Infection Simulation and Modeling Vocabulary


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