Odd Numbers - A whole number that cannot be divided exactly by 2 ( e.g. numbers ending with 1,3 5,7,9 ) , Even Numbers - A whole number that can be divided exactly by 2 ( e.g. numbers ending with 0,2,4,6,8), Acute angle - An angle whose measure is less than 90°, Right angle - An angle of exactly 90°, Obtuse angle - An angle whose measure is more than 90° but less than 180° In other words, it is between a right angle and a straight angle., Reflex angle - An angle that is more than 180° but less than 360°, Parallel lines - Lines which are always the same distance apart, Frequency - The frequency of a particular data value is the number of times the data value occurs., Multiples - The result of multiplying a number by an integer, Factors - A whole number which divides exactly into another, Halve - To divide into two equal parts, Faces - A flat surface of a solid, Edges - A line on a solid where two faces meet, Vertices - A corner of a polygon where two sides meet, Mode - The number which occurs most often, Median - The middle value when all the numbers are placed in order, Mean - Adding all the data and dividing by how many there are, Range - The difference between the biggest and smallest numbers in a set , Prime number - A number that can only be divided exactly by itself and one., Expand - To expand a bracket means to multiply each term in the bracket by the expression outside the bracket.,


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