Describe your ideal weekend., Complete the statement: I lose track of time when..., How many hours of TV do you watch a day?, How many hours a day do you spend on your phone?, Are you more of a leader or a follower? Explain., If you were a teacher, what things would you do to make learning exciting?, What was the best day of the past week and what made it so?, What is one habit you would like to improve?, If you were a principal, what is something you would do?, Complete the statement: My favorite type of music is..., Should kids and teens have a bed time? Why or why not., Do you like to dance? If yes - what kind of dancing?, How would you spend 6 hours with your best friend?, Complete the statement: My favorite kind of party is..., Share 3 things you think you need in order to be happy. , Complete the statement: I feel free to be myself when..., What do you daydream about?, Share a special event you recall from your childhood. , What would you do if your best friend began vaping?, Who do you like to get advice from?, Are you interested in your historical background? Why or why not., Talk about someone close to you with whom you can share almost anything. , If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be and why?, What job do you want to do when you are older? Why?, Complete the statement: When I can't sleep, I..., What is something that really frustrates you at this time?, What law would you like to see changed? Why?, Describe the kind of car you would like to own one day. , How do you best express yourself?, How do you feel about school?, How do you feel about cheating in school?, How important is honesty in a friendship?, Share your thoughts about high school or college., If you were stranded on an island, whom would you like to be on the island with you?, If you had to choose a new name for yourself, what would it be?, Do you think parents should give their children allowances? Why or why not. , How important is it to be popular? Explain. , What are some of the values or lessons you have learned. , Complete the statement: I wish someone would..., Talk about someone whom you really trust., Do you follow rules you think are unfair? Explain., If you could be someone else when you wake up tomorrow, whom would you like to be and why?, Name 2 things that help people have a healthy, close relationship. , How do you react when someone disagrees with you?, What would you do if you saw someone stealing in a store?, Describe your favorite meal. , What sport or activity are you best at?, Talk about your favorite celebrity and why you like them. , What are some things you wish you could talk to your parents about?, Complete the statement: People can show they care about me by..., Complete the statement: If I were in trouble, I could always talk to..., What do you think parents should do if their child was doing something illegal?, What characteristics make a leader someone you would follow?, Complete the statement: When I think of stress, I..., Complete the statement: I can hardly wait to..., Complete the statement: I feel good about myself when..., What is something that you like about your appearance?, How do you feel if someone is talking behind your back? How do you react?, Complete the statement: I am unhappy with myself when..., Complete the statement: When I am criticized or corrected, I feel..., How has social media affected your life?, What is one way that you would change social media?, Give 3 reasons why someone should have you as a friend. , How do the clothes you wear affect your moods and attitudes?, Complete the statement: My feelings are hurt when..., What do you do when you feel sad? , What do you do when you feel nervous?, Complete the statement: I feel alone when..., What might you do to make the world a better place?, Do you feel your parents understand you? Why or why not., Share a time when peer pressure influenced you. Was the outcome positive or negative?, Complete the sentence: If I lost my phone, I..., What do you think the 3 biggest problems for teenagers are today?, What are some of the rules around your house?, What is your favorite movie? Why do you like it?, What sort of things embarrass you?, Complete the statement: Something I really need at this time in my life is..., If you were the parent, how would you feel about having yourself for a child?, If you were a teacher, what would you teach?, What are 2 things that you do well in school?.

Ungame Relationship-Building Questions (Taken from Ungame Card Deck)


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