1) Where is the sofa? a) It's in the living room. b) They are in the living room. 2) Where are the paintings? a) They are above the sofa. b) It's above the sofa. 3) The TV is above the fireplace. a) b) 4) The shelves are above the bath. a) b) 5) Where are the stairs? a) They are next to the doors. b) They are under the doors. 6) Where is the microwave? a) They are above the cooker. b) It's above the cooker. 7) Where is the armchair? a) It's in front of the fireplace. b) It's behind the fireplace. 8) The bookcase is behind the sofa. a) b) 9) The shower is next to the bath. a) b) 10) Where are the books? a) It's on the shelves. b) They're on the shelves.


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