Gamma Radiation: Electromagnetic radiation from the nucleus., Very penetrating and needs many cm of lead or meters of concrete to absorb most of it., The least ionising, Can cause and treat cancer, Is the fastest, Range in air > 1km, , Beta Radiation: Absorbed by 3-5mm of aluminium but passes through paper and air, A high speed electron ejected from the nucleus as a neutron turns into a proton, Used to monitor paper thickness, Range in air approx 1m, Can penetrate the body to inner organs, Likely to pass through living cells without being absorbed, , Alpha Radiation: The most ionising, Has the greatest mass, Used in smoke alarms, Absorbed by a few cm of air or a thin sheet of paper., Range in air < 5cm., Highly likely to be absorbed and cause damage if passing through living cells., Consists of two neutrons and two protons, it is the same as a helium nucleus, ,

Types of Radiation


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