starch - you test for this using iodine, glucose - you test for this using Benedicts solution and heat, protein - a positive result for this is purple, Vitamins - A, B, C and D are types of these, Minerals - Calcium and Iron and types of these, Mouth - Where digestion begins, saliva - salivary glands produce this in the mouth, oesophagus - the scientific name for the gullet, stomach - a muscular bag that with acid churns up your food more, microbes - these are killed by the acid in your stomach, smallintestine - food is absorbed into the bloodstream here, largeintestine - water is absorbed into the bloodstream here, anus - waste products leave the body here, fibre - to help food move through the digestive system, carbohydrates - these are used in the body for energy, repair - protein is used for growth and something, water - this is used for transport in the body, mechanical - this is the breakdown that occurs in the mouth by the teeth, chemical - this is the breakdown that occurs by using enzymes,


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