Citizen Advice - Free service, face-to-face, online and telephone advice, wide range of areas covered. Run by volunteers who may not be financial experts, so limited support may be available., Independent Financial Advisor - Advice offered by an industry professional, regulated by the FCA and FOS. Can charge high fees, advice not guaranteed to be unbiased or up-to-date., Price Comparison Websites - Free, 24/7 access, simple to use.​, Debt Counsellors​ - Offers support and advice to those people facing financial difficulties. Services monitored by FCA and FOS. It is not a free service. , Individual Voluntary Arrangements​ (IVA) - is a formal agreement allowing you to make affordable payments to your debts, usually over five or six years. Set-up and handling fees, effects future ability to secure credit., Bankruptcy​ - Last resort. It tends to incur more fees than IVA. Could use equity in house to pay off the debt repayments.,

B4: Information Guidance and Advice


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