Flash floods are floods that occur in small areas with water falling and rising quite rapidly., Intense rainfall is a typical cause of flash floods. , Flash flood guidance is defined as the amount of actual rainfall of a given duration that is just enough to cause bankfull flow at the outlet of the catchment., Imminent Flash Flood Threat indicates that flash flood is happening now or is imminent., Forecast Flash flood threat uses forecast mean areal precipitation., Global Hydro Estimator accumulations are produced from 1-hour GHE rainfall input summed over the corresponding interval, Flash flood risk products provide information to forecasters and disaster managers with the lead time up to 36 hours, Bias is persistence error, not random error, Flash flood threat products are not indicated to be forecast but indicate regions of potential concern that forecaster should review, Melt product is an estimate of ablation due to melt process and is a direct output of the SNOW-17 model,


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