ELEPHANT - it's an animal, PENCIL - it' an object, CANDY - it's a food, HAMBÚERGUER - it' a food, PILLOW - is used to sleep, CAT - it's an domestic pet that say miaw, DOG - it's an domestic pet that say Au, PEN - it's an object, COMPUTER - is used for the online classes, OCEAN - have fishs, SOFA - every house have in the living room, TELEVISION - we use to watch the movies, etc, WOMAN - it's the contrary of man, MAN - it's the contrary of woman, FISH - is an aquatic animal, HOUSE - we live inside, CELLPHONE - we use to comunicate, LOLIPOP - it' an candy tha havehas a toothpick for us to hold, BUBLEGUN - it's an candy , COLOR PENCIL - we use to color,


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