1) Which parts of the plants is generally trimmed by the Gardner? a) Tips b) Roots c) Brancges d) Flowers 2) What is the tissue in plants that bring about growth and repair the damage? a) Ground tissue b) Vascular tissue c) Dermal tissue d) Meristamatic tissue 3) What is this image indicate? a) Sclerenechyma b) Parenchyma c) Collenchyma d) Vascular bundle 4) Which of the following tissue possess loosely arranged cells with thin walls? a) xylem b) Sclerenchyma c) Collenchyma d) Parenchyma 5) A student has observed the tissue with loosely arranged cells and thin walls. From which plant it has been obtained? a) Aquatic plants b) Terrestrial plants c) Desert plants d) Areal plants 6) When we observe a tissue from potato which of the following tissue is observe? a) Vascular tissue b) Aerenchyma c) Chlorenchyma d) Storage tissue 7) When we observe the tissues in T S of leaf which of the following tissues can be observed? a) Aerenchyma b) Chlorenchyma c) Storage tissue d) Xylem 8) Identify the tissue in the picture. a) Collenchyma b) Sclerenchyma c) Parenchyma d) Vascualr bundle 9) Identify the tissue a) Collenchyma b) Sclerenchyma c) Parenchyma d) Vascualr bundle 10) The tissue useful for the transportation of water is _ a) Phloem b) Parenchyma c) Sclerenchyma d) Xylem 11) The tissue useful for transportation of nutrients is _______ a) Phloem b) Xylem c) Sclerenchyma d) Parenchyma



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