grassland - a large area of land covered with a low, green plant that grows naturally over a lot of the earth's surface, lighthouse - a tall building near the coast or shore with a flashing light at the top to warn ships of rocks and other dangers, driveway - a short private road that leads from a public road to a house or garage, tv crew - a group of people who work together on television, herd - a large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together, backyard - a space at the back of a house, usually surrounded by a fence, and covered with grass, hyena - a wild animal from Africa and Asia that looks like a dog, hunts in groups, and makes a sound similar to a human laugh, dawn - the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky, dusk - the time before night when it is not yet dark, hot air balloon - an aircraft consisting of a very large bag filled with heated air or other gas, with a basket (= container) hanging under it in which people can ride,

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