8n-3 - 8 times a number,𝘯, decreased by 3, 3x - The product of 3 and a number, x-5 - A number decreased by 5, x/2.5 - A number divided by 2.5, 50x + 15 = 165 - Lisa spent a total of $165 to rent a car, she was charged $50 per day, plus a $15 rental fee., 48/4=x - Jen and her three friends shared their restaurant bill totaling $48.  , 3x=48 - Jordan spent $48 on three tshirts, how much did he pay for each tshirt?, 3x+5=20 - Mike ran a total of 20 miles Monday - Saturday, he ran 3 miles each day Monday - Friday, and the rest on Saturday. Which equation will solve for the number of miles that he ran on Saturday? , 4h+2=10 - Carlos spent $10 on 4 hotdogs and 1 soda. The soda cost $2, which equation shows how much he paid for each hotdog?, 5-x - 5 decreased by a number,


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