ribs - a piece of meat taken from this part of an animal, grate - to rub food against a untensil in order to cut it into a lot of small pieces (e.g. ________ cheese), ripe - (of fruit or crops) completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten, whip - to beat food, especially cream, with a special piece of equipment in order to make it thick and firm , pepper - used to give a spicy, hot taste to food, mussels - small sea creatures that have a black shell with two parts that close tightly together., saucepan - a deep, round pan with straight sides, usually with a handle and a lid, used for cooking things over heat, dressing - a liquid mixture, often containing oil, vinegar, and herbs, added to food, especially salads, slice - to cut something into thin, flat pieces, recipe - a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food, including a list of what food is needed for this, herb - a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavor to particular dishes or in making medicine, simmer - to cook something liquid, or something with liquid in it, at a temperature slightly below boiling, drain - to remove the liquid from sth, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away, shellfish - sea creatures that live in shells and are eaten as food, oven - the part of a stove with a door, used to bake or roast food, spices - a substance made from a plant, used to give a special flavor to food, stir - to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern, raw - (of food) not cooked, steam - to cook food using the hot gas that is produced when water boils, melt - to turn from something solid into something soft or liquid (e.g. to _______ cheese),

Food and Preparing Food Vocabulary


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