Health - A state of optimal physical, mental and social well being., Pathology - The scientific study of structure and function of the body in the disease., Pathologist - A specialist or scientist who studies the causes and effects of diseases, especially one who examines laboratory samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes, Etiology - The study of causes of the disease, Pathogenesis - The mechanism/development/progression of the disease, Pathogenic - Capable/ability to cause disease, Sign - Indication observed by doctor, Symptom - Experienced/felt by patient, Autopsy - Post-mortem / surgical procedure after death, Biopsy - Sample of tissue or fluid from living patient – for diagnosis, Morphology - Structural characteristic in disease (gross or microscopic), Prognosis - Assessment of future’s outcome of patient’s disease, Complication - A disease or condition that develop during treatment of earlier disorder or consequences of another disease, Diagnosis - The process of determining the nature of the disease through evaluation of patient history, examination and lab data,


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