Proper medication ____ is an important part of care homes and nursing homes. A streamlined ____ administration system not only ensures correct medication doses to the patients but also ____ the potential risk of medication ____. All health and social care organisations that deal with ____ medication require medication ____ systems, processes, and ____ to help them to manage medication safely, cost-effectively, and ____ to achieve the best ____ for both the organisation and its patients. Whistleblowing is another important factor for health practitioners to understand and adhere to. ____ is important as a way of shining a light on ____. It helps a workplace to be open, transparent and ____, to be able to learn from events, prevent future concerns and therefore protect the public. Whistleblowing is when a worker, including a student nurse or student midwife, raises a ____ about wrongdoing in the public interest. Whistleblowing can take place within an ____ or, if the worker feels they are unable to do this.



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