Algebra - The study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols., Axis of Symmetry - A line that you can flip (or reflect) a graph across that results in the same graph., Base - A number that is raised to a power., Coefficient - A constant that a variable or expression is multiplied by., Combining like terms - Using the distributive law to add any two multiples of an expression such as x., Commutative law of addition - For any two numbers a and b, a+b=b+a., Commutative law of multiplication - For two numbers a and b, a(b)=b(a)., Completing the square - Rewriting the equation so that it can be more easily solved., Coordinates - A point on a 2-dimensional plane is described by a pair (x,y). The coordinate x is given by the labels below the grid, and the coordinate y is given by the labels to the left of the grid., Cube root - The cube root of a, written 3√b, is the number whose cube is b.,


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