Victor Frankenstein: , "I became able to make lifeless matter come to life.", Selfish/selfcentered-isolated himself for 3 years studying and creating., "I am not a madman.", Plays God, Immediately abandons the creature, Disgusted and horrified of the creature, Feels responsible for the creature's actions-not because he abandoned him but because he created him., Promises to make the creature a wife, but he breaks his promise on a bunch of "ifs", Very selfish-always thinking of himself, Blames the creature for his father's death, "I did no wrong." (When Victor reflects on his life) Takes zero responsibilty., The Creature: , Murders William, Frames Justine (for William's murder). She is hung for the crime., On his own since he was "born"., Teaches himself--learns language, how to read, and history from spying on the De Lacey family., Saves a young girl and is shot in the arm., The last "link" that kept him human and good broke when the De Lacey family ran from him., He is hideous and very scary to look at, but originally very good inside., "I will be with you (Victor) on your wedding night.", Murdered Henry, Murdered Elizabeth, Wants Victor to suffer and live in pain until they fight to the death., Enjoys Victor's pain., "I shall die as I lived: alone, without love, and hated by all.", "Gooodbye my creator, I made hell of your life. But it was nothing like the hell I lived through.",


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