Have you ever ridden a horse, a camel or an elephant? , Have you ever done something dangerous? , Have you ever slept for more than 12 hours? , Have you ever stayed awake for more than 24 hours? , Have you ever seen a ghost? , Have you ever met a famous person? , Have you ever swum in the ocean? , Have you ever had a stomachache? , Have you ever gotten an A+ (‘A plus’) on a test? , Have you ever failed a test? , Have you ever bought something very expensive? , Have you ever cried during a sad movie? , Have you ever fallen asleep during a boring movie? , Have you ever made a snowman? , Have you ever been on TV? , Have you ever been lost?, How long have you studied English? , How long have you had long / short hair? , How long have you had a cell phone? , How long have you had an e-mail address? , How long have you been alive? , How long have you been a student / had a job? , How long have you been married / single? , How long have you lived in your house / apartment? , How long have you been at school / college today? , How long have you lived in this country? , How long have you lived in this city? , How long have you known me?.

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