upload - to copy a program to the internet, gadget - a small electronic device, tiny - extremely small, pile - a number of objects on top of each other, instant - happening immediately, download - to copy computer programs, music or other information electronically using the Internet, trick - something you do to deceive or cheat someone, stare  - to look at someone or something for a long time, lead - the main person in a film or play, rucksack - backpack, tablet - a small gadget like a laptop, battery - an object that provides electricity for things such as radios, toys, or cars, digital camera - a type of camera that records images that you can use and store on a computer, selfie stick - a long device that you can attach to your mobile phone and use for taking a selfie, speaker - a piece of electrical equipment for playing recorded sound, through which the sound is played., strange - different, weird, disgusting - extremely unpleasant, awesome - extremely good, awful - extremely bad or unpleasant, amazing - extremely surprising,

Vocabulary Unit 1


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