Foodborne Illness - Sickness that results from eating food that is not safe to eat, Advertisement - A message designed to influence consumers to buy a product or service, Skeletal System - It supports and protects the body, produces blood cells, and stores minerals., Communicable Disease   - A disease that can be spread to a person from another person, an animal, or an object, Endorsement - A statement of approval, Gratitude - Improves happiness and well-being , Self Confidence - A feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities, Minerals - This can be found in milk, Circulates blood  - The Muscular system does this for your body , Tibia - This is your shin bone , Voluntary - You control this type of muscle , Muscular System - This permits movement of the body, Sensory - This collects information throughout the body , Nervous  - This systems is the control center of your body , Cardiac  - This is the type of muscle in your heart , Integration - Signals being evaluated ,


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