1) заправлять постель a) put away ... b) make the bed c) tidy the room d) make a mess 2) мыть посуду a) wash the dishes b) set the table c) feed the dog d) clear the table 3) убираться в комнате a) feed the dog b) take out the rubbish c) tidy the room d) make the bed 4) убирать со стола a) iron the clothes b) feed the dog c) clear the table d) put away ... 5) разгрузить посудомойку a) wash the dishes b) load the washing machine c) empty the dishwasher d) make a mess 6) кормить собаку a) feed the dog b) load the washing machine c) tidy the room d) put away ... 7) развешивать бельё a) tidy the room b) set the table c) hang out the washing d) put away ... 8) гладить одежду a) load the washing machine b) vacuum the carpet c) feed the dog d) iron the clothes 9) загрузить стиральную машину a) load the washing machine b) empty the dishwasher c) take out the rubbish d) put away ... 10) убирать ... (на место) a) put away ... b) hang out the washing c) water the plants d) take out the rubbish 11) накрывать на стол a) set the table b) feed the dog c) wash the dishes d) take out the rubbish 12) выносить мусор a) vacuum the carpet b) hang out the washing c) tidy the room d) take out the rubbish 13) пылесосить ковер a) tidy the room b) iron the clothes c) vacuum the carpet d) water the plants 14) поливать растения a) set the table b) water the plants c) wash the dishes d) vacuum the carpet 15) устроить беспорядок a) make a mess b) put away ... c) clear the table d) water the plants

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