1) Checking the client's record card before a treatment is important because it helps identify... a) previous chemical products and techniques used b) which retail products they buy c) how often they visit the salon 2) A Trichologist would treat which condition? a) Scabies b) Dermatitis c) Alopecia Areata 3) Identifying and recording contra-indications is important to avoid damage to... a) the sulphur bonds resulting in possible legal action b) the hair and scalp, and possible legal action c) the hydrogen bonds resulting in an incomplete service 4) Record cards should be stored and updated at the end of every service and stored in... a) the salon safe with the takings b) a lockable box in the salon c) an open box in the stock room 5) Maintaining client confidentiality will help too... a) build a rapport with the client and promote professionalism b) allow you to diagnose and advise on medical conditions c) to meet your client's needs 6) Record cards must contain all client contact details and their a) information on lifestyle and hobbies b) full and accurate service information c) feedback on service 7) Legislation regarding storing client's details is... a) RIDDOR b) COSHH c) The Data Protection Act 8) The epidermis is which layer of skin:  a) The bottom layer b) The top layer c) The subcutaneous 9) Where is the arrector pili attached too?  a) Follicle b) Subcutaneous c) Muscle 10) Which part of the hair will determine the thickness of hair? a) Cortex b) Medulla c) Dermis 11) Which part of the hair is the outer layer? a) Cortex b) Cuticle c) Medulla 12) List the growing stages a) anagen, catogen, telogen b) telagen, catagen, telogen c) hydrogen, oxygen, telogen 13) What is the average rate of hair growth per month is? a) 2.5 cm b) 1 inch c) 1.25cm 14) Small, raised red rings is recognised as which condition?  a) Scabies b) Ringworm c) Impetigo 15) Suspected infections should not be named by the stylist as... a) they would be breaking local council by-laws b) they are not medically trained c) it may stop clients from returning 16) What advice would you give a client to help maintain healthy hair? a) Eat a balanced diet b) Wash and condition hair daily c) Eat lots of bananas 17) Curly, fine to coarse, and fragile with 5 cuticle layers is characterised as: a) Black textured hair b) Normal Hair c) Caucasian 18) It is important to identify factors that would limit, prevent or affect the service in order... a) protect your salon manager b) protect the client’s clothes and avoid legal action c) avoid damage to the hair and scalp 19) What is the resting stage in the hair growth cycle called?  a) Telogen b) Anagen c) catagen 20) A suspected infestation can be which two? a) oily scalp with white flakes b) small eggs near the scalp, lice may be present or a tiny burrowing mighttiny burrowing mite c) Red raised irritated skin. 21) If someone had fragilitis crinium (spilt ends) who would they need to be rereferred to? a) Trichologist b) Dermatologist c) Hair stylist 22) The hair follicle is which?   a) Hair shaft  b) A pocket which the hair grows out of c) The sweat gland 23) Which test determines the condition of the cortex? a) porosity test b) incompatibility test c) elasticity test 24) Tightly curled and fragile hair is the characteristics of... a) African hair b) Asian hair c) Caucasian hair

Quiz - Consultation exam revision - without hair and skin tests


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