1) When was Izhak Rabin born? a) 1947 b) 1922 c) 1967 2) Where was izhak Rabin born? a) b) c) 3) What was his dream? a) to become a prime minister b) to become a doctor c) to become a farmer 4) When did he join the Palmach? a) at the age of 20 b) at the age of 18 c) at the age of 25 5) Rabin was the commander of Harel Brigade during the a) Six Days War b) Yom Kippur War c) Independence war 6) What Israeli war started in 1967? a) the Six Days War b) the Independence War c) the Yom Kippur War 7) What happened in 1974? a) Izhak Rabin became the Prime Minister of Israel b) Rabin became the President of Israel c) Rabin worked in the USA 8) When was the peace with Jordan signed? a) in 2001 b) in 1994 c) in 1997 9) Complete the slogan "Yes "for peace and "No" for a) war b) violence c) fight 10) What happened in November 4th 1995 in Tel Aviv? a) Izhak Rabin was killed at the peace rally on November 4th,1995. rally b) Rabin got sick c) Rabin retired

Izhak Rabin Memory Day


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