1) When did they build the first temple? a) 879 BCE b) 562 BCE c) 957 BCE d) 1008 BCE e) 109 BCE f) 240 BCE 2) When did the destruction of the second temple occur?  a) 70 CE b) 850 CE c) 8 CE d) 1004 CE e) 34 BCE f) 70 BCE 3) Which empire ruled in Jerusalem between 613-617 CE? a) Russian b) British c) Greek d) Persian e) No empire f) Ottoman 4) For how long did the Ottoman Empire rule in Jerusalem? a) 230 years b) 2 years c) 120 years d) 6 months e) 401 years f) 2 weeks 5) When did the Chassidic Alyiah occur? a) 1800 CE b) 1400 CE c) 1700 CE d) 1650 CE e) 1332 CE f) 140 CE 6) What was the ratio between Jew, Muslims and Christians in 1864? a) 80% Jews, 17% Muslims, 3% Christians b) 40% Jews, 30% Muslims, 30% Christians c) 90% Jews, 6% Muslims, 4% Christians d) 50% Jews, 30% Muslims, 16.7% Christians e) 55% Muslims, 40% Christians, 5% Jews f) 60% Christians, 25% Jews, 15% Muslims 7) When did the un declare Jerusalem as an international city? a) 1947 b) 1989 c) 1948 d) 1945 e) 1920 f) 1954 8) Which country conquered the old city of Jerusalem in 1948? a) Lebanon b) Syria c) England d) Jordan e) Eygpt f) Canada 9) When did the Six-Day War occur? a) 1998 b) 1967 c) 1966 d) 1949 e) 1950 f) 2009 10) What happened after the Six-Day War? a) Jerusalem became an international city again b) Jerusalem's name was changed c) Israeli soldiers conquered Jerusalem back from Jordan d) The British took Jerusalem again e) Nothing happened f) Lebanon conquered it from Jordan


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