What is an Instruction?, Give another name for Do-in-order, Simultaneous means, What are the 2 types of Events in Alice?, Give one example of a Keyboard event., Give one example of a Mouse event., Name 2 events in Alice, How to make an Event in Alice?, What are the 2 types of Animations in Alice?, How many events are there in this animation?, In which Tab does the vehicle appear?, Can we change the vehicle of an object inside a method : , , , ........................ Passive user watches the animation, ....................... Active user clicks on mouse, types a key on keyboard etc., What is user interaction ? , Why do we create user interaction ? , Name 2 events in Alice, How to make an Event in Alice ?, What are the 2 types of Animations in Alice? What are the 2 types of Animations in Alice? , What, What are the 2 types of Animations in Alice?, Describe the following images in term of vehicle :  , Describe the following images in term of vehicle :, Describe the following images in term of vehicle : .


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