Lute - A plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front, rather like a halved egg in shape., Recorder - A simple wind instrument without keys, held vertically and played by blowing air through a shaped mouthpiece., Psaltery - A Medieval musical instrument which was a cross between a harp and a lyre., Sackbut - An early form of trombone used in Renaissance music., Shawm - A woodwind instrument, resembling the clarinet. It is a reed instrument with vent holes., Hurdy-Gurdy - A stringed instrument, lute-like in shape, in which the sound is produced by the friction of a wheel turned by a crank at the end, Viol - A stringed musical, of the same form as the violin, but larger, and having six strings, to be struck with a bow., Harp - A musical instrument consisting of a triangular frame furnished with strings and sometimes with pedals, held upright, and played with the fingers., Tabor - A small drum with a high, narrow body and small drum-heads which was originally made of animal skin,


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