1) She did ban that man ______ the shop. a) we b) are c) from 2) Mom is not a fan of the mud, but ____ are! a) we b) he c) for 3) I ________ to back the van up to the dock. a) she b) want c) for 4) The fan fell on ______ and that man. a) me b) are c) or 5) He and that kid ran quick to _____ the cab. a) she b) be c) get 6) The man got a cash tip _____ the job. a) we b) for c) are 7) We can dash _______ the shop for a fan. a) from b) of c) into 8) Do________ want that tan dog or a duck for a pet? a) you b) she c) me 9) Jan will _______ the boss at the mill. a) or b) be c) are 10) The ad that the shop ran ______ a sham. a) was b) are c) be


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