1) It is green, it has scales and can live in the water and in the land. a) Snake b) Crocodile c) Fish 2) It has feathers, is a bird and is colorful. a) Parrot b) Duck c) Bird 3) It is a mamal, is brown and likes bananas. a) Bear b) Tiger c) Monkey 4) It is a reptile, it can crawl and eats animals bigger than it own size. a) Crocodile b) Snake c) Frog 5) It has hair, Is a mamal and has claws. a) Dog b) Mouse c) Bear 6) It is a mamal, has stripes and likes to eat meat. a) Lion b) Tiger c) Bear 7) It is huge, it is gray and can live in the water. a) Hippo b) Elephant c) Giraffe 8) It lays eggs, have feathers and can swim. a) Chicken b) Duck c) Dove 9) It has scales, lays eggs and lives in the water. a) Frog b) Fish c) Bug 10) It has hair, is a mammal and has warm blood. a) Bird b) Snake c) Horse

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