The classical architecture of Ancient Greece remains influential for architects today. ____ was based on a system made up of columns. This style was based on a system made up of columns. Although ____ may seem simple, ancient architects made them beautiful by carving them with mythological creatures and other images. Although the columns may seem simple, ancient architects made them beautiful by carving them with mythological creatures and other images. ____ created some of the most detailed designs in the history of architecture. They created some of the most detailed designs in the history of architecture. The interest that ____ had in simplicity and proportion in their buildings was later very influential for architects in Ancient Rome. The Romans gave five names to their architectural styles: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan and Composite. roman-style columns, domes and arches have since been part of the designs of important, more modern buildings across the world. In Paris, for example, the Arc de Triomphe and the Place Vendome are examples of roman-looking architecture. ____ were built during the reign of Emperor Napoleon to make Paris look like the 'New Rome'.


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