1) Which number comes next? Trois, Quatre, Cinq, Six... a) Un b) Deux c) Sept d) Zero e) Dix f) Huit 2) Il niege! What does this mean? a) It's a beautiful day! b) It's raining! c) It's a bad day! d) It's snowing! e) It's foggy! f) It's sunny! 3) La bouche. What does this mean? a) The mouth b) The eyes c) I'm sad d) Open the window e) The arms f) The legs 4) Rouge is Red, Bleu is Blue, Vert is Green and Jaune is Yellow. What is Noir? a) Orange b) Violet c) Purple d) White e) Black f) Brown 5) If I wanted to travel North, then South, then East, then North, then West what would my instructions be in French? a) nord, sud, ouest, est b) nord, nord, est, est, ouest c) ouest, nord, est, sud, nord d) nord, sud, est, nord, ouest e) est, est, nord, sud, ouest f) trois cailloux 6) lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi...What comes next? a) vendredi, samedi, dimanche b) une gomme , un crayon et une règle c) mars, avril, mai d) onze, douze, treize e) noir, rouge et jaune f) le garçon et la fille 7) Complete the pattern. Onze, dix, neuf, huit, sept, six... a) mai, juin, juillet b) cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un c) un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq d) seven, eight, nine, ten e) It is sunny. f) I travel by bus. 8) What is the correct spelling...for '8' in French. a) weet b) huite c) wheate d) huit e) wait f) eight 9) What does this sentence mean? Bleu , plus le jaune est vert. a) I am hungry! b) He has a small nose. c) Open the window. d) Please can I have the yellow one. e) Blue plus yellow is green. f) Red and yellow is orange. 10) Which of these would not be on your body? a) les yeux b) les jambes c) le nez d) le jardin e) les mains f) les genoux


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