William Wallace - Leader of the Scottish army., John De Warenne - Leader of the English army., River Forth - The river crossed by Stirling Bridge., 11th September 1297 - The date of the battle., Abbey Craig - Where the Scots started the battle., schiltron - The defensive formation of spears used by the Scottish., 5000 - Number of English casualties at the end of the battle., 2 - The number of horses that could cross the bridge side-by-side., 2000 - The number of English soldiers trapped on the wrong side of the bridge., 3 to 1 - Ratio of Scots to English during the fighting., marshy ground - English horses could not attack because they sank into..., Stirling Castle - The English base before the battle., drowning - Some English soldiers did not die fighting. , France - Location of Edward I during the battle., Richard Lundie - English spy ignored by John de Warenne., Andrew Murray - Died from an injury during the battle.,

The Battle of Stirling Bridge (1297)


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