Why do you think people say "Trick or Treat" on Halloween?, Would you rather hug a zombie or a ghost? Why?, Have you ever visited a haunted house? Talk about the experience. If not, would you like to? Why (not)?, If you had a flying broom, where would you go?, What are all the creative uses for a pumpkin you can think of?, If you had to choose a costume for your best friend, what costume would you choose? Why?, Would you rather be chased by a werewolf or by a zombie? Why?, Which is more frightening: walking through a graveyard at midnight or spending the night in a spooky, abandoned house? Why?, To celebrate Halloween, would you rather read a spooky story or watch a spooky movie? Explain., If you could cast a spell on someone, what would it be?, Talk about the scariest movie you have ever watched., You are walking home one evening and a ghost appears in front of you. What happens next?.


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