1) Where was he born? a) In Cardiff, Wales. b) In Edinburgh, Scotland c) In Stratford-upon-Avon, England. 2) When was he born? a) In 1564 b) In 1654 c) In 1754 3) What did his father John do? a) He was a butcher b) His father John was a firefighter c) He was a leather merchant 4) What about his mother Mary? a) His mother Mary was a nurse b) She was a pilot c) Mary was a local-landed heiress 5) When did he go to London? a) Before 1590 b) After 1590 c) After 1600 6) When did he marry Anne Hathaway? a) At the age of 18 b) At the age of 17 c) At the age of 16 7) Shakespeare worked in London as... a) An actor and then started writing plays too b) He worked as an actor c) He couldn' t work because he was very ill. 8) When did London's first theatre open?  a) The first one opened in 1756 b) In 1576 c) After 1600 9) How was the Globe? a) Rectangular b) Square c) Round  10) How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?  a) 154 b) 100 c) 54 11) Shakespeare became rich and famous. Where were his houses? a) He had houses in Cardiff and London b) His houses were in London and Cambridge c) He had houses in London and also in the town where he was born, Stratford-upon-Avon 12) He loved his language very much and... a) he invented a few words b) he invented new expressions c) he invented new words and expressions 13) When did he die? a) He died in 1716 b) In 1616 c) After the plague 14) Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies and poems. After 400 years, why are they still so popular? a) Because he wrote wonderful novels b) Because he wrote wonderful stories about boring people c) Because he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people 15) The acting company 'The Lord's Chamberlain Men' changed name to... a) The Queen's Men b) The King’s Men c) The Prince's Men


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