have a fun 100, amusement park 50, need 50, meet the friends 100, report a crime 100, neighbourhood 50, buy medicine from a chemist's 100, go to the bakery to buy fresh bread 100, call 50, go to the bank to draw money 150, go to the art gallery to see some paintings 100, find everything 100, municipality 50, when 50, how often 50, quiet and peaceful 100, enjoy 20, good place 50, why don't we go to the cinema? 100, pay the bills 50, take this medicine three times a day 200, visit historic sites 100, borrow some books from the library 250, Where do you go to enjoy your weekend? 200, watch a movie 50, You can go greengrocer's to buy some fruits and vegetables. 250, I live in a big city. 100, Why do you go to the shopping centre? 100, I am looking for a jacket for my sister. 150, give a present 50, I want to buy a doll for my baby sister. 150, I want to drink something with my friends. 100, you can find medicine at the chemist's. 150, I am at the shopping centre to buy new clothes. 150, florist's 25, governorship 50, that's a good idea. 50, I want to talk about the problems of the city. 250, Where were you yesterday? 150, go to the cafe to drink something with my friends. 150, why do you go to the bakery? 150, newsagen't 50, neighbourhood 50, everywhere 25, I believe 100, I like meeting new people 100, get retired 50, graduate from the university 100, amusement park 50, art gallery 25.



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